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Reading Through the Nyte

If it has pages, I will try to read it. Admittedly, I will not always succeed, as some books honestly do not deserve to be printed, not to mention finished. After reading them, I like telling people about books-- whether to avoid them or seek them out... and so it goes...

Currently reading

Good Omens: The Nice & Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman
My Antonia
Willa Cather
Bran New Death
Victoria Hamilton
Fate's Edge
Ilona Andrews
Brownies and Broomsticks
Bailey Cates
New Tricks
John Levitt
Espresso Shot
Cleo Coyle
Empress: A Novel
Shan Sa

The Bird Flu Preparedness Planner

The Bird Flu Preparedness Planner: What It Is. How It Spreads. What You Can Do. - Grattan Woodson, David Jodrey Not up to date -- they still list Tamiflu which is pointless now, but a good, basic guide to preparing yourself for the coming flu. I found it amusing, to be honest, as you can try to prepare all you want, but the reality is that there really is NO way to plan if it does come.